4th Digital Seminar

Inclusive Energy Planning – 
Bridging between locality of people’s livelihoods and (inter)national-wide energy governance

Energy access projects must recognise their local contexts in order to positively impact development. This general principle emerged from our previous seminars in this series.

The mobilization of important resources for local initiatives in energy access (e.g. technical expertise, financial or institutional support) depend on plans, policies and programs which are defined at national, or supra-national governance levels. Can those national energy plans appropriately integrate the variety of local conditions and development opportunities of communities, and if yes – how?

Our invited expert-speakers will give examples of inclusive and integrated energy planning processes bridging the gap between the locally-rooted conditions of peoples livelihoods and the broad/generalized nature of national (and international) energy policies and programs.

Together we will explore what important lessons and challenges on the design and implementation of such inclusive approaches are. The speakers are:

  • Gabriel Sundoro Wynn, Energy Access Lead, Green Empowerment
  • Elizabeth Wanja, Coordinator, Kenya Climate Change Working Group

The seminar is the fourth part of an online series on maximising the development impacts from energy access. It is jointly organised by the WISIONS Initiative and the ACCESS Coalition’s Learning Group.

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