Exchange: First Central American Conference of Small-Scale Hydroelectric Generators: Sharing Experiences and Coordinating Efforts for Efficient Management in Providing Clean Energy

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Exchange: First Central American Conference of Small-Scale Hydroelectric Generators: Sharing Experiences and Coordinating Efforts for Efficient Management in Providing Clean Energy

To promote the exchange of knowledge and sharing of experiences between practitioners involved in small-scale hydroelectric projects

In Central and Latin America, small-scale and micro-hydroelectric power generation face several challenges. A lack of technically trained staff makes it difficult to ensure the adequate and efficient operation and maintenance of micro-hydro plants (MHPs); this lack of expertise sometimes even leads to the equipment being damaged. Furthermore, there is little information about reduced stream flows in sub-basins, which threatens the sustainability of MHPs in the region. The aims of the exchange activities are:

  • To promote the exchange of knowledge and sharing of experiences between practitioners involved in small-scale hydroelectric projects
  • To raise awareness within society of the socio-economic and environmental benefits of these projects in the region
  • To strengthen the technical and management capacities of hydroelectric generators
  • To overcome the challenges, within the context of climate change, that currently limit the technical, economic, social and environmental sustainability of the projects
  • To promote the formation of strategic alliances between organisations in the hydropower sector
This exchange seeks to conduct an initial meeting for local practitioners working in the field of small-scale and micro-hydroelectric power generation in Central and South America with the aim of providing a platform where practitioners can share good practice in terms of technical, administrative and environmental aspects. The workshop intends to lay the foundation for a Central American hydroelectric network as an umbrella organisation for the implementation of further initiatives. The exchange activity will be implemented within six months. The First Central American Small Hydroelectric Conference: Sharing Experiences and Articulating Efforts for Efficient Management of Clean Energy Supply will be held from 11th – 13th October 2017 at the Hotel Camino Real Convention Center in the city of Managua, Nicaragua.