Article “Small-Scale Energy Projects in the Global South” Published in New LCS-RNet Brochure

The publication “Realising long-term transitions towards low carbon societies” features 24 articles based on presentations made at the Annual Meeting of the Low Carbon Society Research Network (LCS-RNet), which was hosted by the Wuppertal Institute in September 2016.

The LCS-RNet acts as a forum aimed at fostering research and policymaking to jointly achieve decarbonised energy systems in countries around the world.

Published as a “Wuppertal Spezial” (No. 53), the brochure covers topics such as governance for the long-term transition towards low carbon economies, policy instruments for financing decarbonisation and the provision of integrated strategies for achieving long-term sustainability.

As part of the network, the WISIONS of sustainability initiative and its supporting scheme SEPS (Sustainable Energy Project Support) have been making a valuable contribution to these goals for over a decade. Representatives from WISIONS gave a presentation at the meeting and contributed an article, “Small-scale energy projects in the global south”, to the LCS-RNet brochure (p. 30-32).

Download your free copy of the brochure here.

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