Publications | Research articles

The research of the WISIONS initiative has resulted in numerous scientific publications. Here you can find all articles and contributions to books written in the context of WISIONS work. Most of the publications can also be found in the open access repository of the Wuppertal Institute.


Latest Papers and Book Contributions by WISIONS Team and Partners

Towards Clean Cooking Energy for All in Nigeria: Pathways and Impacts.

Transcending the Locality of Grassroots Initiatives: Diffusion of Sustainability Knowledge and Practice through Transdisciplinary Research.

Nutzung von Kleinstbiogasanlagen und Teilhabe im globalen Süden: Partizipative Evaluation durch das Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) im Project Asproinca, Riosucio, Kolumbien.

The state-of-the-art of organic waste to energy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and opportunities.

Fondos autogestionados para la transicion agroecologica: el caso de asproinca, Riosucio, Caldas.

Rural Electrification with Household Wind Systems in remote high wind Regions.

Productive Use of Energy – Pathway to Development? Reviewing the Outcomes and Impacts of Small-Scale Energy Projects in the Global South.

Impact pathways of small-scale energy projects in the global south - Findings from a systematic evaluation.

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