Hydro Empowerment Network Introduces New Working Groups

The Hydro Empowerment Network (HPNET) recently introduced its new working groups for 2017. These groups include members from across 14 countries of South and Southeast Asia and present an opportunity for harnessing the synergy between network members and partners, enabling them to work co-operatively to bring about tangible outputs, such as knowledge-based products, exchanges and strategy.

HPNET’s working groups are formed during their annual gatherings, using a facilitation technique that allows each member to voice his/her priorities, identify members with similar interests and formalise the groups. During the gathering, each group identifies its overarching goal and develops objectives and activities for the year. Thereafter, all HPNET members and partners are invited to join the groups, and the groups refine and embark on their annual work plans.

Please visit HPNET’s website for more information on the newly established working groups.

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