
The Project

The Argentine economy needs to transition from its current reliance on fossil fuels in energy and industry to a renewable-based economy to align with the development path outlined by the Paris Agreement. This shift will significantly impact young people, who are currently underrepresented in discussions and decision-making processes related to this transition. This project proposes a multidimensional approach that integrates advanced technical education, addresses gender inequalities, and fosters a culture of participation among young people in energy policy dialogues. Its goal is to prepare young Argentinians with the necessary skills and knowledge to actively participate in and lead the sustainable transformation of the nation’s energy sector. The project will be implemented in three provinces of Argentina (Chubut, Mendoza, Neuquén), involving at least 8 schools per region

The Youth Energy project encompasses three main components, each strategically aligned with the overarching goal of this initiative. First, it aims to harness the potential of youth as agents and advocates for climate protection, sustainable energy transition, and gender inclusivity. This will be achieved through the development and deployment of educational materials within technical schools across the provinces of Chubut, Mendoza, Neuquén.

Secondly, the project seeks to inspire youth engagement in the exploration of innovative solutions in energy efficiency and renewable technologies. To facilitate this, three laboratories will be established to facilitate the creation of hybrid Renewable Energy Technology (RET) systems in each participating province. Lastly, the project will actively promote the involvement of young Argentinians in climate and energy transition dialogues by fostering inclusive discourse and facilitating exchange platforms at local, national, and international levels.

Our Partners

The YouthEnergy project is funded by German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) under the IKI – International Climate Initiative and co-financed by the WISIONS of Sustainability initiative. It is implemented in close cooperation with two partner organisations:

The 500RPM initiative aims to make low-power renewable energy sources widely accessible and to promote the adoption of local rural electrification technologies.

The Siemens Argentina Foundation is committed to contributing to sustainable social development in Argentina, focusing on education and social mobility, basic services and social structures, the environment, and the preservation of cultural identities and art.

Capacity Building

The project aims to strengthen capacities in the following areas:

Building and Disseminating Knowledge

Enhance young people's understanding of and emotional connection to the challenges of energy transitions, including gender dimensions, within their local contexts through the use of research-based learning methods

Technical Innovation Skills

Equip young people with the necessary technical skills to actively contribute to the development and implementation of innovative energy solutions

Policy Advocacy Competencies

Strengthen the capacities of young people to empower them to drive sustainable transformations


Upcoming event

UNEP CCC Webinar: Solar Irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Regional insights from entrepreneurs

Latest news of the partner

Powering Youth – Argentinian Partnership Launched

More than 45 teachers from 15 schools in Chubut Province, Argentina, participated in the first training to launch our newest capacity building partnership: the YouthEnergy project.