Meet the WISIONS Team at the Annual Conference of the LCS-RNet in Warwick, UK

The WISIONS team will participate in the 2017 annual conference of the international Low Carbon Societies Research Network (LCS-RNet), which is being held at Warwick University (United Kingdom) from 12th – 13th September 2017.

This 9th Annual Meeting of the LCS-RNet will focus on three themes that reflect current debates in international climate change and energy policy, against the backdrop of recent political changes and uncertainties in Europe and the United States. The conference theme for this year is ‘Clean growth and innovation in a changing world’. The conference will focus on three main themes:

1. Innovation: technology, resource productivity and industrial policy

2. Global energy markets and forms of carbon pricing

3. Energy access and low carbon development

The WISIONS team will participate in a session on “Progress Towards the Energy Access Sustainable Development Goal”, which takes place on on 13th September at 11:30 AM.

More information on this event is available on LCS-RNet’s website.

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