Meet the WISIONS team at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2014 in London

The WISIONS team will be participating in the Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society and the IBG from 26-29 August 2014 in London, United Kingdom. This year’s conference theme is “Geographies of co-production”.

In recent years the research and teaching activities of universities have been challenged by a wide range of new encounters, including commercialisation, open innovation, participatory social science, engaged arts, and public engagement. These new encounters are disrupting conceptions of where knowledge resides, how problems are framed, and who should be mobilised to influence research. “Co-production” is the term increasingly used to describe these new encounters, and is shaping research council agendas, institutional practices, and academic identities.

The aim of this conference is to reflect on the challenges and new opportunities that arise when geographers reflect what we think we know against the “other”, those who start from a different entry point and bring different perspectives to our field of knowledge. It will provide opportunities to examine the challenges of multi-disciplinarity, and explore how different communities might deploy each other’s perspectives to create new understandings.

The WISIONS presentation “Need-oriented approach in small-scale energy projects in developing regions – lessons learned” is part of the session “Social Justice, Mobility and Energy Demand (2)” on Thursday, 28 August.

Visit the Royal Georgraphical Society’s website to read more about the Annual International Conference 2014 of the Royal Geographical Society and to access the Conference Programme.

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