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Productive Uses For Wind Energy In Argentina
Our project partners 500rpm and Wind Empowerment aim to identify productive uses for electricity generated by small wind turbines, and to implement three pilot systems in economic activities of three regions of Argentina.
The background that led our partners to think and implement this project is derived from previously executed projects where users of the Piggott wind turbine technology began to inquire about the possibility of applying electrical energy to local economic activities.
The selected regions and activities in this SEPS project are:
- Los Gigantes-Còrdoba: rural tourism
- Cholila-Chubut: small-scale livestock production and horticulture
- Corralito-Rìo Negro: poultry production
- Tonco-Salta: production of leather crafts
The following were considered for the selection: the demands coming from the territory, the long-term sustainability of the pilot tests to be implemented, research analysis on rural economies, the potential of replication and multiplication of experiences.
Recently, the following goals and activities have been achieved/completed:
- The characterisation of the local economic activities to be enhanced with the application of wind power in productive processes
- The identification and articulation of local actors that can contribute to the sustainability of the project
- A socio-technical analysis of potential direct beneficiaries
More general information is available on our SEPS project page: Productive Use of Wind in Argentina – Developing Rural Areas with an Abundant Resource