WISIONS Side Event at COP23 in Bonn, 16th November

COP23, the UN Climate Change Conference 2017 will take place from 6th – 17th November under Presidency of the Government of Fiji in Bonn, Germany. The WISIONS team will participate in the conference and also host a side event on 16th November 2017.

On 16th November 2017, WISIONS is hosting a side-event in Bonn, which will take place in the Post Tower, directly next to the Bonn Zone, the event is entitled:

From Paris to Action at Local Level in the Global South – What Role Can Local Energy Practitioners and Existing Knowledge Networks Play?

Following the adoption of the Paris agreement and the SDG Agenda 2030, the focus of debate is shifting towards (a) how to connect the implementation of both agendas and find synergies; and (b) how to involve and strengthen activities of non-state actors at local level.

Energy practitioners are key actors on the frontline of efforts to provide energy services to unelectrified and under-served areas, thereby contributing to several SDGs simultaneously.

At the same time, energy practitioner knowledge networks have proven to be successful in strengthening capacities and exchange of know-how.

Despite this background, the role of energy practitioners as change agents is often not recognised by themselves, nor reflected in the debates on the SDGs and climate action.

In this panel discussion and two following workshops we would like to discuss these aspects with experts from different fields in the climate, energy and development contexts and with practitioners from Latin America and Asia.

Details on the event’s panelists, programme and venue can be found here.

You can follow us on Twitter during the COP23 @wisions or our Wuppertal colleagues @wupperinst under the hashtag #MakingParisPossible

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