WISIONS team participated in the BREG-MES 2014 Symposium

The Berkeley Rural Energy Research Group (BREG) and TU Berlin Microenergy Systems Research Group (MES) organized a symposium on “Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources“ at UC Berkeley, California, USA on 10-12 April 2014.

The Symposium brought together practitioners and researchers to share experiences about innovative approaches for acheving equitable access to energy for the global poor and those on the margins of society. The programme combined keynote lectures, oral presentations of original research and case studies, poster presentations and panel discussions.
Over ten sessions some of the most relevant issues about decentralized energy alternatives were discussed in depth, such as the use of mini-grids for electric power, the provision of energy for cooking, demand assessment, project planning and governance, lighting services, microfinance and the productive use of energy.

Within this framework the WISIONS team had the opportunity to share and discuss insights from our recent research in two fields:


Some other presentations and further information on the event are also available on energypedia.

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