6th RedBioLAC Meeting in Cali, Colombia

The sixth meeting of the RedBioLAC network took place in Cali, Colombia from 10 – 15 November 2014. More than 100 participants from 15 countries attended the event, including the WISIONS team.

The meeting consisted of a wide range of activities aiming to improve and spread knowledge about the applicability and benefits of biogas technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event started with a two-day course on the design of biogas systems for several substrates (treatment of manure, organic waste and waste water), in different scales (domestic, commercial and semi-industrial) and for different applications (thermal energy, electricity, production of bio fertiliser). Additionally, participants had the opportunity to interact with manufacturers and providers of systems and components and to find out more about their products and services.

On the third day of the meeting, a tubular digester was installed at a farm near the conference venue. The installation process itself served as a platform for exchanging knowledge on several issues, such as technology design, construction and installation, operation and maintenance, as well as the use of both, the biogas and the effluent. In an interactive workshop the participants identified and described the various aspects that influence the adoption of domestic biogas technologies.

n more than 30 keynote presentations over the last two days of the meeting, scientists, industry experts, NGOs and farmers shared their knowledge and experience of technical advances, specific applications and benefits of the technology, as well as discussing the potential and need for further development. In a second workshop, participants focused on identifying the barriers that currently hinder the development of a robust biogas sector in their own countries.

Most of the materials used or developed during the event are available online on RedBioLAC’s website.

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