First year objectives of RedBioCOL

RedBioCOL is a partner network of RedBioLAC. It is a regionalized network tailored specifically to Colombia and has a slightly broader objective than RedBioLAC, with the decision to include biomass energy, in all of its forms, instead of only biodigesters.

RedBioCOL’s specific objectives for the first year of work are identifying successful experiences at different scales where the biodigestor technology already has a positive impact. This will be achieved by the formation of working groups and the collection of knowledge from existing biodigester operators.

Furthermore, RedBioCOL is developing didactic material to be spread through the local media (including a web page and radio programs), and is also contributing to the formation of regional networks for energy from biomass, the latter to be implemented by conducting a biogas Workshop and a yearly meeting.

Eventually, gaining deeper knowledge about biodigestion processes and gasification is the subsequent step and RedBioCOL will be partnering with universities and specifically agricultural institutes to conduct at least two field research projects.

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