Hydro Empowerment Network – Annual Gathering in Nepal

November was a busy month for our network partners: not only did RedBioLAC and Wind Empowerment host their network meetings, but the Hydro Empowerment Network also held its fruitful annual gathering of practitioners in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The event facilitated knowledge exchanges between micro hydro practitioners and other interested stakeholders from over 15 countries. The main focus this year was on the evolution of HPNET’s structure and processes to increase the network’s impact. WISIONS supported the annual meeting for the third time.

The meeting in Kathmandu also included a field visit to a micro hydro project implemented by NMHDA (LINK) – the organiser of the conference – in the Dakshinkali municipality.

For more information visit the HPNet website here. Photos of the event are available here.

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