Local Capacity-Building through RedBioEc, the Ecuadorian Biodigester Network

Building on the WISIONS-supported formation of the Ecuadorian Biodigester Network in 2016, one of our most recent SEPS exchanges seeks to further develop a strong base of biodigester practitioners within Ecuador and form linkages between actors with interest in the technology at local and national levels.

The exchange activities are centred around a series of practical capacity-building workshops, bringing together a range of actors from community groups and academia with the direct ability to replicate and promote the advancement of biodigester technology.

In addition, the exchange programme provides support for the creation of locally and regionally appropriate training materials, “field days” to promote biodigester implementation to potential users and public agencies, and a national-level event to share local experiences, raise awareness of the technology within public and international agencies, promote existing replication capacity created through the exchange, and strengthen the national level network.

Recently, the first out of three initial workshops was carried out in El Paraíso (Imbabura, Northern Sierra, 19 – 21 Feb). It focused on practical details of tubular plastic digester design/sizing, installation, and appropriate siting to ensure sustainability.

Participants represented rural community organisations, smallholders and local universities, and a significant number came from local government and agribusinesses, providing an opportunity to integrate additional viewpoints into discussions of biodigester application during the workshop. The vast majority of the participants aim to install and/or improve an existing biodigester within the next three months.

The following two workshops will take place in El Empalme (Guayas, South/Central Coast, 23 – 26 Mar) and Ayancay (Cañar, Southern Sierra, 26 – 28 Mar).

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