Selected SEPS Exchange Activities – SEPS Call 2016: Energising Development Through Knowledge Exchange

Following our last SEPS call at the end of 2016, which was focused on Exchange Activities in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as in South/South East Asia, we are pleased to announce the knowledge exchange activities we have selected for SEPS support.

Online Design Tools for Locally Manufactured Small Wind Turbines

OrganisationSchool of the Earth / Nea GuineaKAPEG

Country: Nepal

Project’s aim: to increase the technical knowledge of small wind turbines by creating a free online resource and mutual learning opportunities

A Participatory Gaming Approach to Community Energy Planning in Southeast Asia: Spreading Best Practice on Community Engagement

OrganisationEnergy Action Partners Malaysia (ENACT)

Country: Malaysia

Project’s aim: to increase community understanding of mini-grid design, management and operation

Sharing Learning Across Projects: Operating Micro-Hydro Plants (MHP) as Commercially Viable Enterprises

OrganisationWinrock International

Country: Nepal

Project’s aim: to expand the knowledge base among technically sound, but managerially and financially weak, MHPs to ensure their sustainable commercial operation

First Central American Conference of Small-Scale Hydroelectric Generators: Sharing Experiences and Coordinating Efforts for Efficient Management in Providing Clean Energy

OrganisationAsociación Fenix

Country: Nicaragua

Project’s aim: to promote the exchange of knowledge and sharing of experiences between practitioners involved in small-scale hydroelectric projects

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