Low-cost biodigesters are more than biogas producers – they hold tremendous untapped potential for wastewater treatment. Jaime Martí Herrero reflects on a project that took him from a metropolitan slaughterhouse in Ecuador to Indigenous communities in the Amazon.
SEPS Project Wins 2016 National Energy Globe Award for Ecuador News from WISIONS posted on June 9th, 2016
One of our SEPS projects entitled “Growing Esmeraldas with Renewable Energy” (Creciendo Esmeraldas con Energía Renovable, or “CRECER”) has won the 2016 National Energy Globe Award for Ecuador!
The CRECER programme was developed by Green Empowerment and their partners Fundación Ecuatoriana de Tecnología Apropiada (FEDETA) and CorpoEsmeraldas to improve the lives and livelihoods of rural cacao farming families in Ecuador’s Esmeraldas Province, through the holistic implementation of renewable energy technologies, eco-agricultural training programmes, and improved social cohesion.
With funding provided by our SEPS programme, 42 local farmers completed an 80 hour course to improve their cacao cultivation through organic practices, 50 families received training on gender equity, conflict resolution and leadership techniques and 15 community members were trained as technicians/promoters. With the support of these newly trained local experts, 10 biogas digesters and 9 solar cacao dryers were installed. These technologies empower local families, improving cacao yield and quality by providing organic fertiliser and post-harvest processing of a consistent quality, while simultaneously protecting local watersheds, substituting renewable energy for fossil fuels and firewood, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
On June 5th, UN World Environment Day, the national winners of the Energy Globe Award were presented in a global online campaign under the patronage of UNESCO and in cooperation with UNEP. The Energy Globe Award includes 177 participating nations and is the largest and most renowned environmental prize worldwide.
Read the full article here: Green Empowerment Project Wins 2016 National Energy Globe Award for Ecuador