Biogas Generation through Biomass Production in a "Smart School" in the Lower Northern Region of Thailand

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The aim of this project is to use food and agricultural waste, as well as animal dung, to generate biogas energy for producing/cooking school lunches at seven schools in Thailand.

The school lunch programme in Thailand (a state subsidised programme) provides free lunches for children who are struggling to maintain a healthy weight. A moderate proportion of the budget (around 5%) is used for purchasing unsustainable LPG for cooking purposes. The aim of this project is to use food and agricultural waste, as well as animal dung, to generate biogas energy for producing/cooking school lunches at seven schools in Thailand. Wat Khaonoi Primary School has been chosen as a training centre because biogas units are already in use at there, making it LPG free. The specific objectives of this SEPS project are:

  • To select six schools in three provinces where the biogas system will be installed;
  • To provide training for the communities at Wat Khaonoi Primary School;
  • To offer workshops to all stakeholders (school heads, community volunteers, officers etc.);
  • And to use the newly selected “smart schools” as training facilities for other schools in the area (after the successful construction and operation of the new facilities).
The estimated project duration is 1.5 years. A video of the initial installation and training activities with school staff, students and villagers is available here:

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