ADEID (Action pour un Développement équitable, Intégré et Durable) has gained successful and valuable experiences in local construction, installation and operation of micro hydropower plants in rural areas of Cameroon and other African countries. The project included inter alia the construction of an improved micro hydropower plant and an expert seminar with the financial sector to demonstrate the credit worthiness and international experts to exchange experiences. One objective and result of the project was the dissemination of the experiences on micro hydropower by issuing a handbook that presents the lessons learned in 15 years of participatory development of hydro power plants.
Projects with same technology
Exchange: First Central American Conference of Small-Scale Hydroelectric Generators: Sharing Experiences and Coordinating Efforts for Efficient Management in Providing Clean Energy
To promote the exchange of knowledge and sharing of experiences between practitioners involved in small-scale hydroelectric projects
Establishment of Demand-Driven Sustainable Improved Watermill Cluster in the State of Uttarakhand, India
This project aims to improve the traditional water mills by replacing wooden equipment in order to make them more efficient and to demonstrate the importance of the technology in the mountainous region. Furthermore, the supply and demand gap of products (such as grains) processed by the water mills could be closed by efficient production and effective marketing.
Projects in same country
One Village, One Mill: creation of a small solar processing unit in Mekomo in central Cameroon
Cameroon Sustainable Sun Bakeries Program
To introduce the environmentally friendly concept of solar baking while providing opportunities for women to gain their own income