The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) with help of WISIONS already established a working network sharing knowledge and experience on solar food processing ( Solar processing of food is important in many countries for households and small enterprises to secure food and income. However, the full potential of these innovative technologies has yet to be explored. Together with partners from 4 different countries that already use solar technology - on a professional level - existing solar food technologies have been tested, evaluated and improved to obtain high quality standards in sustainable food production and to further promote this economical and ecologically viable technology through the network. The aim was to achieve solar food products ready for local markets and export.
Projects with same technology
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for Food Drying Processing in Rural Agricultural Cooperatives
To strengthen the fruit exporting sector in Burkina Faso and Eritrea through the introduction of solar based energy efficiency measures and quality improvement technologies
Improving Cacao Production and Processing While Meeting Cooking Fuel Demand in Ecuador (CRECER)
To customise biodigesters and solar dryers to meet cooking fuel demand and increase the quality and value of the cacao bean, as well as providing sustainable cacao cultivation training
Projects in same country