The recording of the last RedbioLAC Webinar 2019 is now online

Our partner RedbioLAC hold the last webinar edition of the year 2019, which was all about quality control in biogas laboraties. It is now accessible to watch online here!

The potential of biogas is very important for the technical planning of biogas plants, as they are the basis for feasibility studies. Similarly, they also help to identify regional substrates (residual biomass) to form the basis of public policies.
For its part, laboratory work needs quality control and a great deal of knowledge of kinetics and aggregate uncertainties. Interlaboratory trials are used to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of analytical routines by comparing results between laboratories.
The webinar will present the experience obtained in the Anaerobic Digestion Interlaboratory Study of the BiogasFert/Embrapa Network, with the support of the RedBioLAC working group.

The purpose of the interlaboratory was to exchange samples and information for standardization of the biochemical potential of biogas (PBB) and methane (PBM). The addition of experiences from the activities from 2014 to 2019 will be shown, with the participation of more than 35 LAC laboratories.


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