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WISIONS Supports the First Central American Micro-Hydro Conference in Nicaragua
Electrification in remote rural areas continues to be a challenge in Central America. Once micro-hydro projects are completed, many power plants are managed and administered by community entities. These entities work to guarantee access to energy at local level, but face a series of obstacles that threaten energy generation and limit the technical, economic, social and environmental sustainability of the micro-hydro plants.
In this context, Asociación Fénix, with the support of WISIONS, is promoting the First Central American Small Hydroelectric Conference: Sharing Experiences and Articulating Efforts for Efficient Management of Clean Energy Supply.
The conference will be held from 11th – 13th October 2017 at the Hotel Camino Real Convention Center in the city of Managua, Nicaragua. The WISIONS team will be in attendance, promoting our initiative.
The full conference programme is available here (in Spanish) [pdf]. More general information on this SEPS Exchange Activity is available here: First Central American Conference of Small-Scale Hydroelectric Generators: Sharing Experiences and Coordinating Efforts for Efficient Management in Providing Clean Energy