WISIONS Webinar on development of biodigester technology in Latin America and the Caribbean

The last edition of the WISIONS Webinar series 2019 will take place on 16 December at 14:00 CET. In this webinar we will discuss the following topic “Development and application of biodigester technology – advances from Latin America and the Caribbean”. Register here now!

Over the last decade, diverse innovation dynamics in the field of biodigestion technology have been evident in Latin America and the Caribbean. One particularly strong line of innovation is characterised by the aim of developing biodigester designs and implementation concepts that better respond to the actual needs and conditions of the wide diversity of ‘agri-cultures’ in the region. The recognition of this common aim was one of the main triggers for the creation of the “Network of Biodigesters for Latin America and the Caribbean”(RedBioLAC).
In this webinar we will talk with members of RedBioLAC to gain an overview of the significant contributions made in the region over the last decade in the development and application of the technology. We will consider questions such as:
  • What technological developments have been particularly important for adapting to the diverse conditions faced by farmers and other potential users of the technology in the region?
  • How has the dissemination of the technology been promoted in the region?
  • What role is the technology currently playing and what role could it play in the future in moving toward sustainable societies in LAC?
  • What lessons from LAC are valuable for the development and application of the technology in other regions?
We will explore these and other crucial aspects of the development of biodigestion technology in LAC with our speakers.

• Mariala Pino, General Coordinator of RedBioLAC
• Sam Schlesinger, Program Manager Ecuador, Green Empowerment

• Jaime Martí-Herrero, Research Associate, CIMNE and Ikiam University

• Willington Ortiz, Regional Coordinator LAC, WISIONS Initiative, Wuppertal Institute
• Carmen Dienst, Head of Research Unit “International Energy Transition”, Wuppertal Institute

Specific Objectives:

To showcase the main contributions made by LAC (and in particular by RedBioLAC) in the development of biodigestion technology and its application.
Register here now!

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