Low-cost biodigesters are more than biogas producers – they hold tremendous untapped potential for wastewater treatment. Jaime Martí Herrero reflects on a project that took him from a metropolitan slaughterhouse in Ecuador to Indigenous communities in the Amazon.
Workshop: A Country Level Market Assessment for Small Wind Turbines in Nepal
Wind has historically struggled to find a place in rural electrification in Nepal, being often overshadowed by hugely successful micro-hydro power and a recent widespread use of solar photovoltaic systems. Meanwhile, the country does exhibit significant wind resources, especially in the immense mountaineous regions that dominate the north of the country.
This SEPS project aims to quantify the potential market in Nepal, while identifying the existing barriers and bottlenecks to growth. Once these barriers are identified KAPEG hopes to formulate and implement recommendations and guidelines to improve the enabling environment for small wind stakeholders.
The project is being conducted in three phases:
- Stakeholder interview campaign (identifying difficulties in planning, implementation and maintenance)
- Geospatial and techno-economic modelling (to quantify the market potential and identify suitable locations)
- Stakeholder engagement workshop (to draw on previous results to make final recommendations)
Recently, the project team has conducted the stakeholder interviews in Kathmandu; finished visiting six wind solar hybrid systems across Nepal while collecting data from the end users; and accumulated most of the data necessary for the market assessment (like available wind and solar resources, population data, etc.).
All the collected data are currently being analysed and will be presented at a final market assessment workshop on 18th April 2018 from 9:30am to 3:10pm (Nepal time) at Yalamaya Kendra, Patandhoka, Lalitpur, Nepal. If you would like to attend, please register here.