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Online Learning and Excursions Promote Biogas Solutions in Latin America

In collaboration with our local partner organizations, we successfully launched an online learning platform and organized excursions to three countries in Latin America. 

Increasing Resilience of Mountain Communities – Insights from our Workshop

Watch our latest video highlighting our capacity building workshops focusing on bioengineering practices and enterprise development in Jumla, Nepal.

Making MHPs Sustainable – Insights from our Workshop

Watch our latest video highlighting our capacity building workshops on MHP grid connection in Baglung, Nepal.

Training the Teachers in Argentina

Learn about the YouthEnergy project's initiative to equip teachers across Argentina with knowledge of climate change and energy transitions, empowering young Argentinians to make their voices heard.

Empowering Nigeria’s Energy Leaders of Tomorrow

In the recently organised practicum for early career energy professionals, participants applied their training to real-world challenges in decentralized renewable energy, explored solar hybrid mini-grids sites, and enhanced their skills through collaborative workshops.

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